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Autumn Term SEND Support Dates & Events

Wednesday 6th Sep 2023

Our Autumn Term "One for all package" is now LIVE! 

This offer of SEND support is available to all schools in Bury .... and its free of charge! 

Email for more information or to book onto any of our training/meetings.


SENCO Support - Coffee and a Catch Up

Come along to network with us at OakLp and other SENCO's in the authority.

Time/Date: Thursday 21st September, 3.30pm to 4.30pm

Venue: Elms Bank School, Whitefield

Focus: General updates incl: LA Banding document

Support from Orient Langley Sadler and OakLP Outreach


SENCO Solution Meeting

Time/Date: 9.30am to 3pm, Thursday 28th September

Venue: Elms Bank College Hub, Prestwich

• Social Care in Bury LA
• What is Bury Safeguarding Model?
• What is the Early Help offer?
• What are the Family Hubs?
• What is the Universal offer to my families from Social Care?
• What support can Virtual School offer?


TA Development Drop-In

Send up to 2 TA's or teachers to our TA development Drop-In, to gain experience in neurodiversity. You tell us what you want them to gain experiance in and your staff can gain hands on experience.

Time/Date: 8.30am to 12.10pm
6th October
13th October
20th October

Venue: Elms Bank School/College/Unsworth Primary RP* Please specify when you book.


SENCO Support Surgery

Our Support Surgery is an opportunity to discuss case studies of SEMH learners with a wide range of professionals.

Day 1 - Working group party to discuss barriers to learning and interventions to support positive behaviour and engagement in learning.

Day 2 - Reflection and further support from Educational Psychology Team.

Time/Date: 9.15am to 12.15pm, 
12th October and 23rd November
19th October and 7th December

Venue: Elms Bank School, Wakefield

Focus: SEMH

Support from OakLP Outreach, Elms Bank School Virtual School, Occupational Health, EPS