Packages of Support

Packages of Support

We are happy to work with schools to tailor packages to individual need.

OakLP also offer a range of assessments using a wide range of tools that educators may use to evaluate, measure and document.

Please contact us if you would like more details.

School Improvement - Inclusion

One for All Package

Termly access to: 
• TA Drop in sessions – planned bespoke to training need  
• SENCO Solution meeting – where multiagency professionals are invited to give local and national updates  
• SENCO Support training sessions – termly focusses including how to write an EHCP application. 
• SENCO Support Surgeries – case studies brought along, professional dialogue between trained professionals included representatives from Educational Psychology and Virtual School.

School Improvement - Inclusion

One for All Follow Up Package

1 hour TEAMS meeting/face to face discussion to discuss one of the following areas; 

  • Specific resource e.g. TEACCH, visual timelines, classroom visuals etc
  • Curriculum guidance
  • Behaviour management strategies
  • Effective SEND teaching and learning strategies
  • Support with signposting to other agencies
  • Focus of school choice 

School Improvement - Inclusion

Two Step Advice Package


• Microsoft Teams initial discussion
- Professional virtual dialogue to discuss school SEN context and focus area needing advice. Outline of current SEN provision including:
- SEN cohort discussion
- Curriculum provision
- Pupil outcomes.
• Half day school visit to Elms Bank School and/or College
- A visit to Elms Bank School will be organised, this will be linked specifically to the requirements outlined in the initial discussion.
- Schools will have the opportunity to learn about curriculum structures across Elms Bank's pathways, Key Stage 4 accreditation, SEN assessment, Progression and Monitoring, QA Structures, Core Curriculum support
- Regular professional dialogue
- Action plan drafted alongside Oak LP Outreach Team.


• Follow up by either 4 training sessions (see Training Courses here) OR ½ day SENCo Support.

School Improvement - Inclusion

Three to Guarantee Package

STEP 1: Full Day SEND Enquiry with Report

• Trio of SEN specialists from Oak LP Outreach complete a SEND based enquiry at your
School to review and discuss:
- SEND context
- SEND curriculum provision
- SEND pupil progression/outcomes/flight path discussion
- TA structure and support including line management and quality assurance structures
- Interventions
- Access to extracurricular opportunities.

STEP 2: 4 Training Sessions (see Training Courses here)

STEP 3: 1 Day SENCo Support

School Improvement - Inclusion

Four to Secure Package

STEP 1: Full Day SEND Enquiry with Report

• Trio of SEN specialists from Oak LP Outreach complete a SEND based enquiry at  the school:
- Professional dialogue around SEN provision
- SEN Curriculum provision at KS3/4 level
- SEN Pupil progression/outcomes and flight path discussion
- TA structure and support including line management and QA 
- Intervention
- Access to extracurricular opportunities.

STEP 2: Bespoke Support Surgery

• SENCO support with a student case study
• Support from leading professionals in trauma, attachment, ASC and Communication as well as a range of other neurodiverse trained professionals.

STEP 3: 6 Training Sessions  (see Training Courses here)

STEP 4: 2 Day SENCO Support

School Improvement - Inclusion

Five to Thrive Package

STEP 1: Microsoft Teams Initial Discussion

• Professional virtual dialogue to discuss school SEN context and focus area needing advice. Outline of current SEN provision including:
- SEN cohort discussion
- Curriculum provision
- Pupil outcomes.

STEP 2-5: Agree bespoke package of training support that could include 4 of the below options:
• Visits to Oak LP schools
• SEND Enquiry
• SENCO support
• Training sessions
• Whole school twilight training sessions
• 1 full day whole school training.