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*payment is exempt if you have paid for a bespoke package.
Please be aware that if you are unable to attend the training course, Oak LP requires 48 hours' notice. Failure to provide this notice will result in being charged the full cost.
Alison Morrell, Deputy Headteacher, Elms Bank School
Examine the theory and practical strategies behind escalating behaviour and what to do if you are faced with a young person in crisis. It can feel a lonely place being involved with a young person who is in crisis, join this session to understand the physiological reasons behind ours and their reactions and how to counteract this successfully.
teachers, SENCOs, teaching assistants, HLTAs
£25.00 per delegate
Oak LP Centre, Sunnybank Road, BL9 8EB 13.30PM-15.00PM
Jo Foster, Virtual School
How do we consider the impact of adverse childhood experiences and childhood trauma in the classroom? How does childhood trauma impact upon the structure of the brain and what is the impact upon the learning?
teachers, SENCOs, teaching assistants, HLTAs
£25.00 per delegate
Oak LP Centre, Sunnybank Road, BL9 8EB 13.30PM-15.00PM
Jo Foster, Virtual School
What are the effective strategies to use within a trauma informed classroom? How are you going to support learners that have experienced trauma to build their self-esteem and breakdown the barriers to learning?
teachers, SENCOs, teaching assistants, HLTAs
£25.00 per delegate
Oak LP Centre, Sunnybank Road, BL9 8EB 13.30PM-15.00PM