Packages of Support

Packages of Support

We are happy to work with schools to tailor packages to individual need.

OakLP also offer a range of assessments using a wide range of tools that educators may use to evaluate, measure and document.

Please contact us if you would like more details.

School Improvement - Inclusion

One for All Package

Termly access to: 
• TA Drop in sessions – planned bespoke to training need  
• SENCO Solution meeting – where multiagency professionals are invited to give local and national updates  
• SENCO Support training sessions – termly focusses including how to write an EHCP application. 
• SENCO Support Surgeries – case studies brought along, professional dialogue between trained professionals included representatives from Educational Psychology and Virtual School.

School Improvement - Inclusion

One for All Follow Up Package

1 hour TEAMS meeting/face to face discussion to discuss one of the following areas; 

  • Specific resource e.g. TEACCH, visual timelines, classroom visuals etc
  • Curriculum guidance
  • Behaviour management strategies
  • Effective SEND teaching and learning strategies
  • Support with signposting to other agencies
  • Focus of school choice 

School Improvement - Inclusion

Two Step Advice Package


• Microsoft Teams initial discussion
- Professional virtual dialogue to discuss school SEN context and focus area needing advice. Outline of current SEN provision including:
- SEN cohort discussion
- Curriculum provision
- Pupil outcomes.
• Half day school visit to Elms Bank School and/or College
- A visit to Elms Bank School will be organised, this will be linked specifically to the requirements outlined in the initial discussion.
- Schools will have the opportunity to learn about curriculum structures across Elms Bank's pathways, Key Stage 4 accreditation, SEN assessment, Progression and Monitoring, QA Structures, Core Curriculum support
- Regular professional dialogue
- Action plan drafted alongside Oak LP Outreach Team.


• Follow up by either 4 training sessions (see Training Courses here) OR ½ day SENCo Support.

School Improvement - Inclusion

Three to Guarantee Package

STEP 1: Full Day SEND Enquiry with Report

• Trio of SEN specialists from Oak LP Outreach complete a SEND based enquiry at your
School to review and discuss:
- SEND context
- SEND curriculum provision
- SEND pupil progression/outcomes/flight path discussion
- TA structure and support including line management and quality assurance structures
- Interventions
- Access to extracurricular opportunities.

STEP 2: 4 Training Sessions (see Training Courses here)

STEP 3: 1 Day SENCo Support

School Improvement - Inclusion

Four to Secure Package

STEP 1: Full Day SEND Enquiry with Report

• Trio of SEN specialists from Oak LP Outreach complete a SEND based enquiry at  the school:
- Professional dialogue around SEN provision
- SEN Curriculum provision at KS3/4 level
- SEN Pupil progression/outcomes and flight path discussion
- TA structure and support including line management and QA 
- Intervention
- Access to extracurricular opportunities.

STEP 2: Bespoke Support Surgery

• SENCO support with a student case study
• Support from leading professionals in trauma, attachment, ASC and Communication as well as a range of other neurodiverse trained professionals.

STEP 3: 6 Training Sessions  (see Training Courses here)

STEP 4: 2 Day SENCO Support

School Improvement - Inclusion

Five to Thrive Package

STEP 1: Microsoft Teams Initial Discussion

• Professional virtual dialogue to discuss school SEN context and focus area needing advice. Outline of current SEN provision including:
- SEN cohort discussion
- Curriculum provision
- Pupil outcomes.

STEP 2-5: Agree bespoke package of training support that could include 4 of the below options:
• Visits to Oak LP schools
• SEND Enquiry
• SENCO support
• Training sessions
• Whole school twilight training sessions
• 1 full day whole school training.

Specialist Teacher- SEND Support Offer

Specialist Teacher

First and foremost, engagement in learning is understood to be the gateway to successful learning experiences and can be the beginning of a long lasting and positive relationship with education.

Recent research suggests that following a series of enhanced education through the use of group or 1-1 support; there is a significant enhancement, improved learning behaviour and overall engagement in learning. (Smith, Price and Cochrane, 2023)

OakLP is passionate about ensuring appropriate adaptations to provision to support students learning , communication and behaviour. We are also wanting to bring about systemic change and therefore welcome the school to observe such sessions so that interventions can continue following the departure of Outreach Team.

We have several caseworkers to support student progress; we are able to provide: Specialist Teacher

SEND Teachers- Specialism across the curriculum including English and Maths 
SEMH Teacher
Speech and Language Therapy Assistant 
Advisory Moving and Handling Teacher
Occupational Therapy - Sensory Support 

We are able to provide bespoke assessments followed by weekly support sessions, to be made bespoke for students 

Specialist Teacher- SEND Support Offer

Dyslexia Screener

A 1-1 assessment tool that will give out recommendations for parents and teachers to support learners with dyslexic tendencies, approx. 1 hour. 

Specialist Teacher- SEND Support Offer

Irlen Screener

A 1-1 assessment to identify individuals with Irlen Syndrome. Share Understanding of the common learning and behavioral characteristics associated with Irlen Syndrome. Be equipped with a variety of intervention strategies, including colored overlays t share with professionals and parents.

Specialist Teacher- SEND Support Offer

Dyscalculia Screener

A 1-1 assessment tool that will give out recommendations for parents and teachers to support learners with dyscalculic tendencies, approx. 1 hour. 

Specialist Teacher- SEND Support Offer

Access Arrangements

Access arrangements are able to be carried out by our qualified specialist assessor to determine whether students could be entitled to assistance or further support in formal examinations. E.g. readers, scribes, extra time. 

Specialist Teacher- SEND Support Offer

Full Dyslexia Diagnostic Assessment

A Diagnostic Assessment will usually take up to four hours to complete.

During an assessment the assessor will carry out a series of tests to explore aspects of underlying ability such as:
• Reading, writing and spelling
• Handwriting and fine motor skills
• Underlying learning skills: phonological awareness, speed of processing and memory, speech and language and auditory processing.

After the assessment, a full report will be available within 4 weeks. 


Hospitality Package

At The Oak LP Centre we offer a Beverage Package which is unlimited at only £3.30 per head which includes tea, coffee, chilled water, sugar free squash and biscuits. The Oak LP Centre Break/Mid-Morning Package from £4.15 or Lunch Menu Package starting from £3.75 available upon request which are an additional cost per person.


Room Hire Oak LP Centre

The Oak LP Centre is the place to be, our rooms are equipped with everything you
need for one-to-one meetings, interviews, HR, offsite confidential meetings, training sessions or conferences.

The Oak LP Centre’s facilities are available to hire at
extremely competitive rates accompanied by our value for money beverage package
and first-class customer service, why don’t you make an appointment to see the
space to be in 2024.